Outdoor renovation

When you start a renovation, you want to know where it starts and where it ends. We're here to walk you through the entire process so you know what to expect from start to finish.

See our work
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How it works

1. Face-to-face consultation.

2. Detailed plan with estimates.

3. Scheduling and kick off.

4. Full post-renovation inspection.

5. Completion and final payment.

Latest Outdoor Projects

Outdoor #1

The renovation focused on transforming an outdated outdoor space into a modern and functional area.

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Outdoor #2

The renovation involved landscaping and creating a cozy outdoor living space with a fire pit and seating area.

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Outdoor #3

The renovation included adding a deck and pergola, enhancing the outdoor entertainment and relaxation areas.

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Get the grill for free

Book an outdoor renovation today and get the grill at no charge.

Let’s talk about your project

Fill out the form, or call us

to set up a meeting at
(808) 258-1998